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The World’s Laundry Starts in Småland

It’s no exaggeration to say that the world’s laundry starts in Småland. No matter what you produce – a shirt, a bed sheet, a towel – you need to include care instructions on the product to sell it. And to get that laundry label, you need to stress-test the garment in a washing machine from Småland – no matter where in the world you are.

Electrolux Professional Group sells professional washing machines to over 90 countries and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers in the industry. Their pride is deeply rooted on the factory floor in Ljungby – where the heart of this world-leading company beats.

The company’s roots lie in the quality brand Wascator, which began manufacturing washing machines in Ljungby in the 1950s. These machines can still be seen spinning in laundry rooms across the country. It is these products – with their clearly long lifespan – that Electrolux Professional Group has built upon.

They digitalized their processes 20 years ago, which is evident when you visit the factory – it’s a well-oiled machine with production optimized to the second. The manufacturing is based on modular design, much like Lego, where washing machine components can be assembled in different ways – something that is advanced and requires ingenuity. The factory in Ljungby is one of only two in the country that has successfully implemented modular design.


When Sustainability Pays Off

Long before innovation and sustainability became buzzwords, they were ingrained in Electrolux Professional Group’s DNA. Their washing machines are constantly being developed to use as little water and energy as possible – and it’s not a washing machine from Ljungby unless it’s of truly high quality.

But a little luck never hurts. Or rather: luck in misfortune. In 1956, two ships collided, a Swedish and an Italian vessel, just off New York. An insurance agent, Bernard Milch, came to inspect the damage to the Swedish ship. He eventually made his way to the ship’s laundry, which had been flooded, and tested the washing machines – and they worked as if nothing had happened. Milch was highly impressed and took note of where the washing machines were made: in Småland. Besides being an inspector, he was also an entrepreneur. He opened up the U.S. market for Electrolux Professional, which today accounts for a third of the company’s sales.

Learn more about Electrolux Professional Group.