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Competency development

Coordinating efforts to secure competence for the Kronoberg region.

  • Region Kronoberg: Identifying important initiatives to support the development of competence in Kronoberg
  • Industry Forum Kronoberg: A collaborative platform where industrial companies, trade unions, Campus Ljungby, and Region Kronoberg work together to address shared challenges in order to maintain and strengthen the region’s competitiveness

Educational Institutions

  • Campus Ljungby: Education with close ties to the business sector.
  • EPIC: An educational and research center for high schools, academia, and the regional business community, located on the university campus in Växjö.
  • Linnaeus University: The university in Växjö and Kalmar, offering over 200 degree programs and 1,500 independent courses.
  • Technical College: Business-oriented education through collaboration between schools and industry.