Live and work in Kronoberg
Live soft and work hard
The balance act between successful business and quality of life is actually possible in Kronoberg. Although the working days can be hectic – soothing nature and exciting experiences are never far away. It may sound as a cliché, but in Kronoberg you can lead a sustainable lifestyle: financially, ecologically and socially.
Find your way home
Are you thinking about settling down in Kronoberg? Great choice! Visit your local municipality home page to find more information about housing or land. Urban area, smaller community, village or countryside? We have something for you.
What to do
Nature is the main resource for Kronoberg’s business life – and at the same time a place for recreation and inspiration. Forests and lakes surround everything and welcome you out on exciting adventures.
There are plenty of non profit organizations to engage in, ranging from sports to culture.
And speaking of culture. Music, art, theatre, glass and food crafts have long profiled our region. Discover a new world of exciting flavors and experiences.
Good to know
For more than 40 years, Kronoberg have been one of Sweden’s fastest growing regions, with a strong business community. With that comes exciting job opportunities, both in the public and private sector. Together, we are approximately 200 000 people who live here and the number is steadily increasing.
We have good communications. Thanks to public transport and the road network, you can easily travel between home and work. If you want to go further, there are regular train services and Småland Airport in Växjö, which flies you quickly to the metropolitan regions.
Photo above from Tingsryds municipality: Julia Lassner